We're in a Set Time for Success & Promotion! - Quek

ElijahList.com   06.28.17

"We're in a Set Time For Success and Promotion!"

Cornelius Quek, Redding, CA

I am very grateful for the Lord's grace in my life to encourage, teach, and impart with regards to God's provision for the Body. So, whenever He speaks to me about His heart to provide for the needs of His people and His Kingdom purposes, my ears are perked up to listen.

Recently, I had an open vision where I saw myself in a track stadium. It was a team sprint race, and I specifically saw the third runner darting toward the last few yards before the fourth and final runner. He stretched out the baton, the last runner grabbed it, and off he bolted toward the finish line. I remember the look vividly on the faces of both runners. Such intensity, passion, and discipline. These guys ran with one purpose - to win the race. They carried with them a winner's champion mentality.

There's Grace for Succession

"There's a set time to the fulfillment of every Kingdom purpose and prophetic destiny. It's a significant season of transition and change in the spiritual atmosphere."

Right after the open vision, my mind was directed to one of my ministry trips to Lyon, France in 2014. My host had brought me to a significant sacred site in early Christendom. The Amphitheater of the Three Gauls (Amphithéâtre des Trois Gaules) was constructed around 19 A.D. and was the centerpiece of Condate, a Gallic village that predated the arrival of the Romans by centuries.

It would have had room for 20,000 people at one time. It was at this amphitheater that the famous forty-eight Christian Martyrs of Lyon shed their innocent blood in 177 A.D. Among them was St. Pothinus, the first Bishop of Lyon, who was a direct disciple of St. Polycarp, who himself was a direct disciple of John the Apostle.

I had made my way to the middle of the amphitheater, and as I began to declare the prophetic promises of God over France, I had a spiritual encounter. I heard cries from the ground where the blood of the martyrs was spilled, "Keep going, keep going, our blood is not in vain, our sacrifice is not in vain!" Remarkably, I felt that they were joining the clouds of witnesses in prophetically cheering us (the Church, His body) on.


With the open vision and this encounter in France, the Holy Spirit spoke to me, "Son, there is a succession in the spiritual atmosphere. I want you to declare it to the Body!" It is not coincidental that in America, we just went through a significant transition and succession with our presidency. I sensed an urgency in the prophetic encouragement from the cloud of witnesses mentioned in Hebrews 12:1-2: (Photo via IHA.com)

"Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses...and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith..."

This is what I sensed the cloud of witnesses was saying to us:

"We have fought the good fight. We have endured the test. We have stood for the integrity of the Gospel message. We have run the part of our race. Now it is your turn. We are passing on the baton. We have received the mantle and the momentum from those who have gone before us, and now we are passing them on to you. We have generated the momentum for you to finish the race. We have set you up to win it. You have trained yourself up for such a time as this. Make the Lord and the Kingdom proud!"

Prophetic Implications

There is a grace for succession in the ministry and the marketplace. I see associate pastors taking on the senior pastor position. I see youth pastors taking on more senior positions. I see individuals succeeding and taking over the family business.

I see transitions taking place in organizations and corporations where positions are landing on the laps of Believers because someone else suddenly vacated the positions. I see the changing of guard, especially in key senior leadership positions, specifically in the financial, judicial, and political arenas, and not just in America, but in several different countries.

There's a set time to the fulfillment of every Kingdom purpose and prophetic destiny. It's a significant season of transition and change in the spiritual atmosphere. We are in a season where there is grace for succession. If this applies to you, the Lord would encourage you just as He spoke to Joshua, who succeeded Moses:

"After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, it came to pass that the Lord spoke to Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' assistant, saying: 'Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them-the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses.'" (Joshua 1:1-3)

"There is a 'completeness and finality' coming to some of the things that many have been praying and seeking the Lord for."

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

It is not a season to shrink back, be indifferent, or to give excuses. Ride the waves of the momentum that have been generated by those who have gone before you. Seek the Lord. Hear His voice. Be strong and courageous.

You have been equipped and prepared for such a time as this. Grab the baton and embrace the specific assignments He has for you ahead, whether in ministry or in the marketplace.

Promotion Comes with Succession


In 2015 and 2016, my wife and I kept seeing 11-11 everywhere. The Lord had us pray and declare, "Acceleration, recovery, double-portion, 11- 11." We were releasing the provision of God over our lives and the Body of Christ. We have seen and experienced incredible provision. Since May 2017, I have been seeing the numbers 1-1-1. There was a transition from 11 to 111. (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Triple or the number three carries the meaning of completeness or finality (e.g. the Trinity, Jesus rose in three days). Along with succession comes promotion from the Lord. Again, it is in accordance with God's set time.

There is a "completeness and finality" coming to some of the things that many have been praying and seeking the Lord for. God is the One who's bestowing favor and promotion on those who have been faithful in contending for the promises of God. Promotion comes from the Lord alone.

You can't bulldoze through doors, opportunities, and positions that aren't meant for you. Just like the runners in the race, those who have been faithful, diligent, and disciplined in the training and sowing season will now begin to reap the harvest!

I am declaring and releasing grace on those of you who find yourselves in a season of succession and promotion. His favor surrounds you like a shield! He is your exceedingly great reward! Make the Lord and the Kingdom proud! 

Cornelius Quek, M.Div.
Founding Director, 7K

Email: info@the7k.org
Website: www.the7k.org

Founder of 7K, Cornelius Quek is passionate about equipping and mentoring contemporary leaders and culture-makers who know their God and impact every sphere of society. Cornelius was powerfully delivered from a background of Buddhism and pagan idol worship in Singapore. He has traveled and ministered extensively internationally and in the United States. Cornelius graduated from London School of Theology, United Kingdom, earned a Master of Divinity (Hons.) from the world-renowned Oral Roberts University, and is currently completing his Doctorate in Leadership & Ministry, researching on increasing the supernatural in the marketplace. Cornelius and his beautiful wife Tiffany are ordained by Bethel Church in Redding, California, where they serve as Connect Pastors. Cornelius also teaches Bible at church as well as the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.

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