God Reaching Through Cloud of Glory to Deal With Terrorism - Kunneman

ElijahList.com   06.27.17

"God is Reaching Through the Cloud of Glory to Deal With Terrorism"

            by Hank Kunneman, Omaha, NE

Prophetic word by Hank Kunneman on June 4, 2017 (Pentecost Sunday):

"For this day marks a day where you celebrate, across the earth, the outpouring of My Spirit," and God says, "that was not an event that just took place once, but it has been happening since and it is happening and shall happen at a greater degree.

Do Not Think I Will Do Nothing

"I speak now to you and to those who are in fear because of the events of terror that have taken place in the earth. Do not think that I am doing nothing because there seems to be no restraint, or little restraint, upon those who inflict terror. But this is what I would say to you: Remember the days when a nation was afflicted with terror and they were afraid at the place of the Red Sea?"

But God says, "As terror afflicted the hearts of the leader, Moses, and the people of Israel, what did I do to stop, to abate, to abort the spirit of terrorism that day? Listen now, these words of hope to this generation and to the generation of your children: I reached through the cloud of My Glory. What am I saying to you?" says the spirit of God.

"I'm saying that if I reached through and stopped the terror that afflicted a whole nation through glory, I will do it once again. I am reaching through the outpouring of My Spirit and glory that is coming and it is coming fast. I shall reach through My glory and I will stop the enemy in his tracks and those who cooperate to inflict terror upon the nation and the nations of the earth."

Out of the Mouths of Babes

God says, "Let Me give you a secret on how I will do it. For I declare to you that out of the mouth of babes and sucklings I have perfected praise (see Psalm 8:2). Why? To still the avenger. This is what I say to you who are afraid: for there is a generation of the youth and there is a generation of the young, and oh they are being proselytized by those who think that they are carrying out the will of one who is called Allah. Who is Allah? It is not I.

"Let it be settled and let it be known, for they shall not, in this coming generation and this season, for seasons come and seasons go and seasons change, this season of terror and war shall not be always a future season for the people of this nation or the United Kingdom," says the Spirit of God, "or the nations of the earth.

"For there is a generation of the young that is arising and they will say, 'Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshua,' and they will be converted from Islam, they will be converted from Buddhism, they will be converted from Hinduism and they will be converted from heathenism, intellectualism. They will be filled with My Spirit, and I will do this to still the avenger and I will do it to reach through the cloud of glory so that the things you are afraid of today, you will not be afraid in your future, for peace shall be the portion of what I will release to a generation of your children, but also in a coming season that is coming fast," says the Spirit of God.

"Speak in tongues, pray in the spirit, and watch Me as I'll pour My plan that is greater than any terror from any entity. I win always, and I'll win and am winning concerning this," says the Spirit of God." 

Hank Kunneman
One Voice Ministries
Email: hankandbrenda@ovm.org
Website: www.hankandbrenda.org

Hank Kunneman is the senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church, a thriving church in Omaha, Nebraska, and founder of One Voice Ministries. As an uncompromising voice that God is using to stir up the Body of Christ, he is known for a strong prophetic anointing as he preaches. He travels and ministers extensively as he and his wife, Brenda, preach together at conferences, churches, and national television programs throughout the United States and overseas. Together, the Kunneman's also host their own nationally and internationally televised weekly program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, airing on Daystar Television Network, Victory Television Network, and Faith Broadcasting Network. Their church services are also watched world-wide via live stream at hankandbrenda.org. Pastor Hank has also authored several books including Prophesy with the Wind of God in Your Mouth, My Heart Cries Abba Father, The Revealer of Secrets, Don't Leave God Alone, and  Barrier Breakers.

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