Why God is Promoting Women & Men Right Now - Addison

ElijahList.com   06.12.17

"Prophetic Word: Why God is Promoting Women & Men Right Now"

Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA

I am very excited about what God is speaking for the next 7 weeks, as well as the next 6 months.

If you did not see my Prophetic Word for Pentecost, let me recap it. I had an encounter with the Lord on May 31, 2017, and was shown a new gate opening in the spiritual realm. The name on the gate is "Joy."

"As God is bringing the promotions of women and men, I saw new partnerships and teams being formed."

The Lord spoke to me that over the next 7 weeks (now through July 19th), there is an open Heaven for revelation and the release of His power. You can expect to receive repayment for the attacks of the enemy. God is now breaking the clouds of darkness and bringing people out of the wilderness, and God's light is going to shine on you in new ways.

Mother's Day Every Day

On the morning of Mother's Day (May 14, 2017), I had several visions of something special happening in Heaven.

The Lord said, "This is the day that you honor mothers on Earth, but I tell you mothers are honored every day in Heaven. Their purposes and life are often misunderstood, as things they do appear to be humble and hidden. But in Heaven their actions and prayers are very powerful. The prayers of a righteous woman are powerful and effective."

Prayers of Mothers and Women

Jesus pointed toward a section in Heaven that was dedicated to the prayers of mothers and women. I saw their prayers come before the Lord, and angels were assigned to their requests. I noticed that not all of the prayers were from biological mothers, but also from spiritual mothers. In Heaven it did not matter if you bore a child physically, as there was the same honor given to the spiritual mothers as there was to physical ones.

I watched as the prayers of women on Earth went into Heaven, and angels were capturing them. Some angels were scribes and captured them in books. Others were angels of assignment who had authority to release answers and resources. There were angels turning some of the prayers into songs that were being sung during this process. 

"You've kept track of all my wandering and my weeping. You've stored my many tears in Your bottle-not one will be lost. You care about me every time I've cried. For it is all recorded in your book of remembrance." (Psalm 56:8,  The Passion Translation)

Books of Remembrance Reconciled

I saw shelves of books that had recorded the prayers of women and mothers. It lined the walls and went for eternity. These were the Books of Remembrance of the prayers that had not been answered. 

There were millions of books of unanswered prayers being brought before the Lord. I was thinking it would take a very long time to answer them all. The Lord stood up and raised His hands. Millions of angels came, and each took a book and carried it to a section of Heaven that had to do with that person's life and calling. 

The Lord said, "Watch for the answers to these prayers to start coming, but it might look differently than what you might have expected."

Promotion of Women

Jesus said, "Many women have sown in tears, and they are about to reap a harvest and joy. Many are now being promoted with new authority, and spiritual gifts are coming to them."

I saw an angel holding a golden scroll. The angel began to read from the scroll the names of women being promoted. The scroll looked small but, as the angel read, it kept going and going.

The Lord said, "These are the names of the women who are receiving honor in Heaven, and they are about to receive favor and blessings on Earth."

"You can expect to receive repayment for the attacks of the enemy."

I watched as each name was read and an angel was dispatched to that person on Earth. The women were receiving blessings, repayment, new anointing and spiritual gifts. Some of them had not been recognized on Earth, even though they had done amazing things for the Lord.
Men Promoted and New Teams Formed

I was wondering, "What about the prayers and promotions of men?"

The Lord spoke to me that there will be many men promoted into new positions of authority on Father's Day, June 18, 2017, just as He did with women on Mother's Day.

I was told that this is just one section of Heaven dedicated to the prayers of mothers and women. There is another section with the prayers and promotions of men. The Lord chose Mother's Day to release to women these promotions and answers to their prayers. 

New Divine Alliances Coming


As God is bringing the promotions of women and men, I saw new partnerships and teams being formed. As both men and women are being promoted and being given new spiritual gifts, it is going to form new divine alliances. (Photo via Wikimedia)

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor." (Ecclesiastes 4:9, NIV)

God is bringing both men and women together to form strategic teams that will greatly impact the Kingdom. Over the next 6 months, there will be a unity in the spirit that will open up new ministries and businesses focused on doing God's will. This is going to align us for the coming revival.

Get ready for new joy as God is answering your prayers! 


Doug Addison
InLight Connection
Email: respond@dougaddison.com
Website: www.DougAddison.com

Doug Addison is a prophetic speaker, author and coach. He is known for his Daily Prophetic Words, Spirit Connection webcast, podcast and blog. Doug's message of love, hope and having fun reaches people around the world! His powerful, positively funny teaching style and coaching helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California where he is impacting the arts, entertainment and media industries.

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