Letter From the LORD to the Rebuilders of My Family, House & Lands - LeTourneau


A Letter From the Lord To: "The Re-Builders of My House, Family and Lands"

Joey LeTourneau, Coarsegold, CA

Possessing the Land!

"And also I say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." (Matthew 16:18)

Prophetic word of the Lord: "I know your works, I know your love and your sacrifice. I know how obedient you have been in the face of resounding pressure. I know that you have ventured so far out on the waters, across many limbs, and have followed the bread crumb trail of My manna in the way, and to the place that I AM showing you.

"My divine fulfillment in this season will come together swiftly as the unity I'm bringing through community causes exponential launch."

"I see your heartfelt surrender, your desire for My will, your commitment to My Word and your love for My people. I know how much you have persevered (and are persevering) through and I AM with you. Do you see Me still standing next to you in the fire? Do you hear My whisper amid the storms? I AM El ROI, the God who sees you, and knows you in the very moment you are walking in now."

The active, living faith you have been persevering in to possess the land and rebuild God's house and family is the very rock He is building upon. Your increased faith during this time is in fact an even greater resource than any land or building you might possess. We are often looking to the end of what our faith will produce but God is calling out, "Look at the great faith that is being produced in you!"

"Your authority is not the sling or the stones, but in the faith you wield them with. David walked in greater authority even before it had been given to him. So too does your faith reveal the crown you live from. A king cares not for the crown on his head if he already wears one upon his heart. As your heart rises up in assured, simple and steady belief, so too will you defeat the giants of your land and possess not only the gates, but the land and all it leads to for My glory."

Taking Ground Behind Enemy Lines


"Blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the Heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies." (Genesis 22:17) (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Peter and Abraham were given very similar promises, both about taking ground behind enemy lines. Neither of these are defensive promises. Sometimes I think the fear culture of the world can try and make us believe that these promises are reassuring us that the enemy's attempts won't prevail against us. Instead, they are offensive promises assuring us of victory and the new ground coming when we run into the opposition of the enemy's gates.

"I understand the pressures you are feeling. They are the opposition you were created to face. They are opposition I have given you victory over, and opposition I prophesied about to Abraham knowing that you would step into this moment in history to plant My flag of victory in new lands - on earth as it is in Heaven.

"The faith you are living is the living stones of My House, My family House that is expanding its walls and foundation to draw in many more of My children across the earth. Your persevering faith is exactly what the world needs and is the very result I AM seeking. Your faith builds My House more than you can see right now. For in Heaven, massive expansion has taken place even when you don't think it has accomplished what you hoped. Your faith is the greater work. Your faith is pioneering in the Spirit, knocking down gates, paving paths for My family to have new ways into My House."

The enemy uses fear as a false or manufactured pressure to take ground from us. In a similar and even more powerful sense our faith puts pressure on the enemy and causes him to fear the Kingdom we are bringing from Heaven to reality.

If you are feeling pressure in your purpose with God, it is very likely because your forward steps of faith are putting unbelievable pressure on the enemy and it is only a matter of time before you not only break through that gate, but open the door for many others to follow and build in that territory or sphere of influence.

Taking Ground Through Community

"Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul; neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had all things in common." (Acts 4:32)

"The active, living faith you have been persevering in to possess the land and rebuild God's house and family is the very rock He is building upon."

"It is with great urgency I call you to turn your head from your agenda and your needs and pay close attention to those I have brought fresh and new by your side in this season. It is a special Kairos season for My Community.

"The relational wounds of the past are healed and in this season I will bring around you the right people to join you in re-building your part of My House and land. Your number one gift is an exponent in the lives I've brought alongside you, and likewise their number one gift will be exactly what you need to fulfill other pieces of your dream you've longed to see come about.

"This is a season to watch others be part of the fulfillment of your dream, and likewise you for theirs. My divine fulfillment in this season will come together swiftly as the unity I'm bringing through community causes exponential launch. You have heard about the acceleration and suddenlies I AM sending and these special people in your community are a significant part of seeing those come to fruition. My family structure will establish the physical structure of My House."

We recently commented in our new community how thankful we were to arrive into the area and discover our community of people even before we found our house. If we had found our house first it is likely we would have had less connection with others and the walls of our "physical house" could have prevented us from fully connecting with the "family" that would be essential for our lives and calling. By coming into relationship with our new community first, we have met those who we're called to contend together with. 

The Finisher of Our Faith

"The hands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this temple; his hands shall also finish it." (Zechariah 4:9)

"My beloved, believe and hope against all odds. Keep knocking with the same faith you had during your first knock on the door. I AM finishing this. Run with Me like Paul and finish strong, know that I AM finishing what I have promised. It may not be in the external means or timing you expect, but I will produce far more from it through the path that I lead.

"Trust Me to be the Finisher of what your faith is now building. Allow your faith and patience to co-labor together and you will co-labor with Me to finish well. With only faith, or only patience, it would be like using only one oar to try and row forward, leading to little more than moving in circles. But with both faith and patience rowing together, and opposite one another, we will cross over quickly! I bless your faith and I bless your patience to finish strong as I AM finishing on your behalf!" 

Joey LeTourneau
Heavenly Hope Ministries

Email: joey.letourneau@gmail.com
Website: www.ifgodhadahouse.com

Joey LeTourneau, his wife Destiny, and their six children live in northern California. From California to Israel, the Middle East, Africa and beyond, wherever God bases them their passion and purpose is to reveal the nature of the Father and see His family restored. They communicate the Father's heart to impart renewed peace, healing, and to draw people into a special oneness with the Lord that causes the world to believe. Joey is the author of six books and together they travel, speak and train others to reform God's family throughout the world.

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