Next Great Renaissance! God's Spirit of Creativity Released to a New Generation! - Ben Lim   05.16.17

"The Next Great Renaissance! God's Spirit of Creativity Released to a New Generation!"

by Ben Lim, Los Angeles, CA

Renaissance in its original French language means to be born again or to be recreated.

The Renaissance Era through Medieval Times

The Renaissance was an era in the 14th-17th centuries, where the Word of God gave enlightenment to many souls in Europe.          This cultural revolution broke out in illumination which shifted the paradigms of the people, spearheading Europe's continental transformation and revolution.

It was a time where science, literature, art, architecture, and culture took on a revival! People came out of ignorance and illiteracy, to becoming empowered to read and speak and think for themselves. Because of the invention of the Gutenberg Press, education became easier and more obtainable for the poor and the masses, rather than being a selected privilege for the rich clergy and royal elect.      The majorities of Europe gained emancipation, as knowledge set their futile minds free.

"The creative nature of Christ is returning to the Church in a great outpouring."

Knowledge is power. For so long, many people of the earth remained in a blocked-state of darkness in the Medieval Times. These times of darkness were filled with intense witchcraft, idolatry, and other heinous practices. These dark Medieval Times clouded the world until Martin Luther's Reformation set the captives free! Martin Luther and the great Reformation of the Church was, I believe, the catalytic power of the Renaissance.

Do you see the correlation?

Some say the corrupted church was the root cause of the Medieval Times and the revived church was also the Head of the Renaissance. Theology and paradigms about God and who He was began to shift. The Lord began to be revealed in a stark difference! Even now, we are in the 500th year anniversary of the Reformation of Martin Luther, which began in 1517! Do it again Lord!

An Outbreak of Creativity Coming to the Church!

Unfortunately, the Church has been bound by religion for too long, and for centuries the Church has idolized ritual doings and systematic works, keeping people from truly becoming who God created them to be. With that, creativity has been bound and locked down and even condemned. Expressions of freedom and individualism have been banned and even demonized in some circles. However, all of this is changing! There is an outbreak of creative power coming to the Bride once again!


The Spirit of Creativity is once again, touching the Church. The Church is not to be the tail, but we are called to be the head. The Church is meant to be the blazing leader of creativity, innovation, inventions, and design. The Bride is reawakening to her original identity. We must no longer live by default but live by design.  God is rekindling the pure flame of peoples' original design within them. God is reawakening the world to the core of their purpose and being. (Photo via freeimages)

Intimacy is what leads us to creativity. Intimacy with the Lord is where we gain our ideas. Intimacy with the Lord is where we gain fresh revelations of Heaven. When we are intimate with the Lord, we will create with Him. The Bible calls us co-creators with Christ. We will only be co-heirs and inherit the greater things, if we choose to also be co-creators with Him. The Lord is looking for co-heirs, but more so, for co-creators!

Because of the revelation of the Father and the love of Jesus, this Bridegroom paradigm and intimacy is birthing the Church in new ways, forms, shapes, and expressions of her relationship with God. We are looking more like Heaven in all of its vastness and glory. We are moving away from the dead forms of yesterday's traditions and rituals and we are moving into new molds and matrices of God's love in today's generation.

Every generation has had its own unique way of expressing their love and revelation of God. This generation is a crux and climax of all of her years put together. This generation is an outbreak of a Renaissance that the world has never seen before!

God the Creator

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, 'Let there be light,' and there was light." (Genesis 1:1-3)

In the beginning, God revealed Himself as Creator. He could've first revealed Himself as any other role. However, He chose to have it written in the Word, that He is first Creator. He is the Creator. It was out of this chaos that the Lord created the cosmos. It was by His Word that He created the world. It was out of darkness that He created light. What was without form and void of structure, now has life, beauty, order, and a greater reflection of Heaven. What was once a mold of clay, has now become elegant and eloquent pottery.

What does the Kingdom look like? What does Heaven on Earth look like? What does it look like for the Bride to be free and fully alive in Christ's confident love?

God is the Creator and He is releasing His Spirit of Creativity to the Church. The Church will not only have creative miracles in supernatural signs and wonders, but we will also have creative miracles in science, medicine, technology, commerce, education, and in every other realm and sphere of society.

Creative and re-creative miracles will be the norm. We will become a sign and a wonder through our occupations and the places of influence the Lord has placed us in.

From Freedom to Creativity!

"There is an outbreak of creative power coming to the Bride once again!"

There is a greater level of freedom for the children of God. God wants to break all boxes and limitations in our mind and imagination. The human imagination is the realm of the spirit.

We are to bring our dreams and visions into actuality. We are to birth these ideas into the physical. We have a responsibility to steward these million and even billion-dollar ideas and turn them into reality. Realities that will change the world and the course of history.

The Lord is healing our minds. The Lord is renewing the innocence of our child-like faith and delivering us from "adult-ism." The Lord is creating a Renaissance within His people.

Those who are creative, tap into a specific vein of God's heart and mind. We are all creative in our own ways. What is yours? We all have the creating nature of God within us. What are you creating?

For many people, creative and prophetic gifts have become bland and boring rather than being full of zest and life. They have become dull and endangered of extinction rather than being sharp, innovative, and cutting-edge. The world is looking for people with witty inventions, innovative ideas, and genius minds to go against the limits of what we've accepted as possible.

God wants us to be the conduits of cutting-edge change, who are possessed by the Word of God, the double-edged sword. The Lord wants to release a fresh, brand new, creative expression of how we do Church and how we are the Church. Let's stop trying to repeat the past and let's do and be something that the world has never seen before! Let us once again awe and fascinate the world by the beauty of Christ.

The Renaissance Man

I have been on a journey of once again tapping into my existing artistic and creative gifts. In the past year or so, my creativity has exploded to whole new levels! It's exciting to see the many new and amazing exploits being done so efficiently and effectively. 

The creative nature of Christ is returning to the Church in a great outpouring. Church as we know it is changing rapidly! Where are the innovators? Where are the pioneers? Where are those bold risk-takers that will spearhead this next great Renaissance?

This Renaissance is going to shock the world. The Church should be the head and center of creativity and culture. There are going to be anointed musicians, dancers, artists, writers, scientists, businessmen, architects, counselors, chefs, physicians, and the list goes on!

The Church is the Renaissance. Peoples' belief systems of Jesus will change because of this Renaissance! People will be in awe and in wonder because of the revelation of Jesus!

There is a new beginning whenever we create with God. Let your light create a new beginning. Let us release the Spirit of the Renaissance upon the world and further be that city on a hill that cannot be hidden.

Ben Lim, Senior Pastor
His Way Life Church


Ben Lim is a dynamic Millennial leader, who currently serves as the senior pastor of His Way Life, in Koreatown, Los Angeles. He is the director of Open Heaven Cry, a missions and revival network, and is a highly sought out international speaker. He is the CEO of Ben Lim TV and is the author of the book Men of Valor. He loves to live life in the fullness as a son of the Most High.

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