'Cookies' in Your Mind?

Are There 'Cookies' in Your Mind?

    by Raylyn Terrell

Is that a smile on your face? Are you remembering those chocolate chip cookies (you didn't stop with one, you know)...

When was the last time you did a clean up on your computer hard drive? You wanted to identify the calling cards that are left in your computer every time you connect with a website. They are pesky things, aren't they! "But I can get rid of those 'cookies'" you say.

Do you remember the last time you said that? 

It wasn't as easy as you thought. While you searched and pressed the delete button time after time, there were some things that you weren't sure about, and you ended up deleting things you really wanted to keep-but it was too late. You had to go back to the sources for those special pictures and text files, and import them all over again.

Did you keep track of how much time you lost in this process? Bet you didn't. If you are honest, you will have to admit these things to yourself. When you do, you will no doubt look for ways to avoid making that same mistake again. 

Let's apply this scenario to our mental/emotional state, and consider the "cookies" we have allowed to clutter up our minds. Due to belief and thought patterns that we have repeatedly allowed to influence us, we do and say things we know are not right and good. What do scientists say about how the brain works to develop habit patterns? It is repeated acceptance of a thought, then the verbalization of it, that digs memory ruts (pathways) into the brain. Then our life decisions are made according to those well-dug brain ruts. Acting on false information will cause us to make more mistakes, even more difficult to erase and correct. In this process, our DNA becomes changed: read that, corrupted

Are there corrupted DNA patterns in families? Scientific data says, yes! Is there anything we can do about it, or are we stuck with Grandad's mistakes? 

By natural birth, all the way back to Adam and Eve we inherit our selfishness. But you say: "Oh, come on now. I'm not all that bad. Besides, I received Jesus Christ, and all my sins are forgiven." Yes, sins that we confess and turn away from are forgiven.

But we are still stuck with our inherited sin nature, and we still exercise it until we are truly converted (changed). Even then, we must be on guard against our fleshly nature. Apostle Paul spoke of 'dying daily'.

Now, here is where it gets even better.

Recent scientific data suggests that DNA can be changed, and that each one of us is not hardwired with an inescapable collection of 'stuff' passed down through our ancestral gene pool. Biblically literate people have always known this, because God's love has enabled us to be free from ALL bondage through the Blood of the whipping post and the Cross. But we must want it, and must truly believe God's Word. It is completely voluntary. 

Now there is another factor as well:

Our diet and lifestyle choices can change our DNA! That makes me want to dance!

I can educate myself: that is, I can ask God's Holy Spirit to teach and guide me, then give me the desire to make the right choice at the right time.

Physically, my body is composed of the same elements as the earth. Remember Adam? God formed him from the dust of the ground. Doesn't it make sense then that the same nutrients from the soil of planet Earth, are the ones needed by my body for optimal functioning? My brain is a part of my body. Its correct functioning depends on the food I give to it. Do I crave sweet foods? Which ones are healthful and which ones are not? Why? The more study given to these questions and their answers, the more we will be in awe of our Creator God's amazing love and wisdom toward us, His creation.

Are there toxic things coming into my brain which badly effect my thinking, therefore my actions? Is it possible that my decision to avoid tobacco, alcohol, other drugs (including processed sugar), genetically modified and chemical additives, trans-fats, irradiated food, and so on, can increase my brain's ability to function? 

Is there a pattern here? 

  - know there is a problem

  - decide to solve the problem

  - pray for God's will in the matter

  - search Scripture to find God's will

  - pray His kingdom come, His will be done

  - study nutritional knowledge and wisdom

Thank God for grace to make right choices.


It is a blessing to come from a line of stubborn Scots! For someone with wimpy DNA, remember that Father God still works miraculous changes in those who love and obey Him. Strength, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and patience are all available to God's children through faith.

So why do we keep running up alleys and into blind walls? Is it because we do not want to lose control of our lives? 'Let go and let God' sounds good, and we may nod the head and give mental assent, but what does the heart say? That is where the life decisions are made, because that is where our affections live. 

"They that are Christ's have crucified the affections and lusts."  (Galatians 5:24)

"I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me." 

(Galatians 2:20). 

Here is one to separate the wheat from the tares; the sheep from the goats:

"Come out from among them and be separate, and touch not the unclean thing. And I will be a Father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord."     (Matt. 6:17,18)

Godly compassion for seekers does not require us to get down into their pit with them. Jesus Himself has already done that. We must remain firmly planted on the Rock, Jesus Christ, reaching out to lift them out of that pit. Because we are blood-bought children of the Living God, Jesus' Resurrection Life can flow through us to others. 

With humility, let us guard His holy Presence within us. We no longer belong to ourselves for we belong completely to Him.

COME kingdom of God!

BE DONE will of God, in Jesus' mighty Name, amen!

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