"Position Yourself to Receive Revelation From Me" - Rene Picotta

"Position Yourself to Receive

     Revelation from Me"
     by Rene Picota, Winchester, Virginia

I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying, "In the month of September I am calling the Church to a place of prayer. I am looking for the tears of the saints. As you lift up your prayers to Me I will answer you. I will begin to move in power. For it is a time to raise your voices unto Me, for only I can move upon certain situations. The fate of the nations lies in the prayers of the intercessors. I am calling the ministers to praying and fasting. It will begin with the young people. I am pouring out a spirit of intercession upon them. A mighty army is arising who is consumed with My wild love for them.

"Position Yourself to Receive Revelation From Me"

"How you position yourself is by falling on your knees and quieting yourself before Me so I can speak. As you seek My face I will walk in the midst of you. You will feel My touch and My glory begin to fill the room. I am walking among you and revealing My signs and wonders on those who have a single heart for Me...those who pursue My presence and push away the distractions. It is time to unplug from the things of this world and plug into the power of My Spirit.

"As You Cry Out to Me I will Restore the Church!"

"I will restore My power in the Church. I am releasing revelation concerning moving in My power. I will perform miracles through the hands of My children. It won't just be the pastor or the evangelist or the prophet. It will happen in the marketplace. It will happen in parking lots and in restaurants, and in the shopping centers. It is through those who are laid down lovers that I will demonstrate the greatest miracles!

"Even As You Cry Out to Me I Will Continue to Restore the Foundation of the Church"

"I have ripped up the old foundation of manmade religion. I am laying an apostolic and prophetic foundation in the Church. Do not be surprised when main stream denominations begin to come into the prophetic and the apostolic. Without this new foundation everything that stems from manmade religion will die. This generation needs to see My power. Churches will fold because of the pride of leaders who refuse to embrace the new way I am moving. It is why I need the Church to return to a place of prayer!

"For many I am re-aligning you to where I have called you. I am reconnecting you to My original purpose. It is time for you to turn around. Stop questioning Me. It is time for you to stop following the crowd. Follow My heart. Follow the cloud of My glory. Wherever you go I will find you, for I know every detail of your life. I am the Lord and I don't miss a thing.

"When the Glory Cloud Moves, Then It Is Time to Move!"

"I am raising up leaders who have pure hearts. I am releasing My fire and bringing to the surface the impurities. I am dealing with your character so that I can raise you up. I can't raise you up so that you will fall flat on your face. Talent may impress many but what impresses Me is when you walk in obedience to My Word. I am looking for those who will move when I say move. Those who will pray when I say pray. Those who will give when I say give. Those who will do anything for the sake of the Gospel."

Will you give your whole heart and hold nothing back?

Rene Picota,
Streams of Life Church and Rene Picota Ministries
Email: info@renepicota.org
Website: www.renepicota.org | www.streamsoflife.church

Rene Picota is the lead pastor of Streams of Life Church and has an apostolic mandate from God to bring change to the world. He loves to encourage people to step into their destiny and dream bigger dreams with God. His passion is to raise up leaders and release them into their calling by teaching them how to tap into their divine flow and discover their true identity. The atmosphere of Heaven manifests everywhere he ministers. Rene is married to Amber Picota and they have three children.

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