Pressure Releases God's Glory! - Sandy Freed

"A Season to Endure the Pressure to Release God's Glory"

Dr. Sandie Freed, Bedford, TX

Have you ever had one of those days when it seemed as if everything went wrong? I'm referring to days when the alarm doesn't go off and you're running late; on the way to work (finally!) you have a flat tire and after (finally!) arriving to work, there is a note on your desk that says to call the school nurse - your child is running a 102-degree temperature and you must take him/her back home. So, you rush back to the car only to realize you've locked your keys in your car! Ugh!

We could probably all take a number and wait in line to tell our own story. But, bottom line, what we are suffering from is pressure! Pressure seems to factor into every area of our lives today; pressure to be on time (even with horrible traffic!), pressure to perform well at work, pressure to perform period! And what about financial pressure, peer pressure, and pressure to meet deadlines? 

The list goes on. Then there is opposition from the devil and his planned assignments that bring a type of pressure on their own, such as praying for correct prayer strategy to defeat him, maintaining faith for breakthrough, and enduring the press so that it all doesn't "break" us!

But, dear Believer, pressure can be viewed in a positive way. How's that, you ask? Well, God will use pressure to perfect us! He promises to even use the plans of the enemy and turn them around for our good! And, the more that we are perfected, the more we reveal God's glory. Read on; I believe you will relate and be encouraged.

God's Glory in Us

Everywhere we go, we see and experience God's glory. Think about this a minute. God created the world and it was a representation of His glory. If you have eyes to see, you can see the glory of God in a beautiful flower, a sunset, or a bird. King David the psalmist wrote: "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands" (Psalm 19:1). Then also consider what the prophet Isaiah wrote in Isaiah 6:3b "...Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of His glory."

So, exactly what is this glory? When we talk about the glory of the sun, moon, and stars or the glory of God what does this mean? There are over 200 references in Scripture which refer to the glory as kabod, which comes from a root word meaning "heavy" or "weighty." Kabod carries the idea of "fullness" or the "full weight" of something. It's easy to conclude that glory refers to a weightiness connected to a notable person, someone who has a lot of influence (weightiness) and importance.

When we use the phrase "glory of God," it is referring to "a visible manifestation of God" and also His divine desire to show Himself to mankind and through mankind. Yes, saints, God desires to reveal His nature, His beauty, His influence, His power - through you! You are His creation and He wants to show you off! And, He desires to show Himself off - by revealing His glory through you. What prepares us for this? How do we reveal more of His glory? Through the press! Keep reading - there's more!

The Press

Have you ever taken time to stop and smell the roses? When we're under pressure, we don't have time for that, right? But, allow me to explain the glory of the rose. When you gaze upon its beauty, you see its glory. However, it is what is within the rose that is even more glorious. Yes, the fragrance of the rose is an even greater glory. But, the fullness of the fragrance (the weightiness...kabod) is released when the rose petal is crushed or pressed. The full glory of a rose is indeed its fragrance - something that is released for someone else's pleasure. A rose does not release fragrance for its own pleasure - it's always for someone else's benefit.

For each of us going through the press of life, God wants to reveal greatness in us, the glory that is in us - to others. Yes, to fully reveal the glory in us, we endure pressure and, at times, it feels as if the world is crushing in on us! We must try and keep in mind that the glory of God exists within us not for our own benefit - but for others. God desires that the whole earth (and we live in the earth) be filled with His glory!

The Fragrant Anointing is Coming Forth!

Believer, if you feel under pressure, don't despair! God will never allow it to destroy you. Instead, He will use it to positively expose and reveal you. Sometimes it's like stripping away layers of paint when you are restoring wood. Layers of debris must be peeled away to get to the original wood. God chooses to bring us to the original intent of our creation and purpose. Remember, we are all called to demonstrate the glory of God - that is our original purpose!

With so many of us, our fragrance is bottled up and stored away. We've been bottled up due to job pressure, peer pressure, and other pressures, and then sealed off. Frustration, pain, and disappointment have been like corks that have sealed off the release of your anointing and fragrance. But God is allowing pressure. Think about how a grape must be crushed in the winepress. Juice is pressed from the grape in a winepress in order to produce fine wine. To bring out the best in us God is allowing the press.

Many of us have felt like failures because we don't seem to handle the pressure well. But, dear ones, let me assure you that God is getting the fragrance that is in you out of the bottle and out of the box! Like the woman who broke open the alabaster box and washed the feet of Jesus with the fragrance, God is breaking open every place in your life that has held you back! The anointing oil upon your life will begin to flow like never before.

Take a moment and read 2 Corinthians 2:14-15. It states that we are the "aroma" of Christ and the "fragrance of life." Yes! That is how God is revealing Himself through you! If you will begin to see yourself this way, it will empower you more whenever you are feeling pressure. Everyone struggles with the cares of this world - and yes, it's pressure - but, it is my prayer that you can see yourself as the aroma and fragrance of God that is coming forth. Believer, this is the attitude of an overcomer!

The Fiery Furnace of Life

In fact, we should be giving God praise because He is always committed to empowering us to fulfill destiny and reflect His glory. Thank God that during those fiery trials He is bringing out the best in you and, at the same time, reflecting His glory through your circumstance. Just as when the three Hebrew children were tossed into the fire, God showed up and got glory. If you can, take a few moments and read about King Nebuchadnezzar and how he pressured all the people (including the Jews!) to bow down to a false idol (see Daniel 3:24-28). 

Think about the intense pressure they were under - knowing that if they did not bow down to a false idol, they would be thrown into a fiery furnace! That's a pressure of which I do not wish to partake - do you? And yes, the enemy would also love for each of us to bow down to his deceptions and lies and pressures. But as for us today, we can shift into a divine trust in God that whatever we endure He will be there to deliver us, uncork us, and bring forth a fragrance for His glory!

None of us knows what our responses might be when trouble knocks at the door. The Lord allows tough times to reveal to the world all the good stuff that's in us! Did you ever think about pressure that way? The enemy would try to falsely accuse us in the process of being perfected. Satan speaks lies that convince us that we've done something wrong to deserve this pressure and that we are being punished. Believer, I have written an entire book to expose the lies of the accuser of the brethren. I highly recommend that you read Silencing the Accuser: Eight Lies Satan Uses Against Christians. This book will help you shift out of previous condemnation into faith to become who God says you are!

Please let me be clear - sickness and disease are not from God! He is not putting disease upon us to reveal His glory! That is not the type of pressure I am referring to in this article. However, He does promise to heal us to reveal His glory! Let's be sure and "press" into that truth if you are enduring pressure as you are believing for divine healing!

Keep in mind that God is extracting your potential through pressure! Don't run from it - embrace it! When demands are made on our potential, God gets the glory from it! Believer, you've got untapped potential - let God extract it!

In closing, let me remind you something about diamonds and coal. Coal, under great pressure, produces a beautiful diamond. Again, God's allowed pressures will not ruin us or destroy us. In fact, pressure will perfect us and refine us. If we will surrender to His refining process, He will put pressure on what's necessary and even burn away what is needed so that His glory in us can shine forth! 

A Prayer to Empower You

Father, in the name of Jesus, I pray for every reader to receive an impartation of courage and determination to press through the pressures of life and, by faith, be positioned to receive all of their godly inheritance. Thank You for seeing our potential. Thank You for extracting a lovely fragrance from our lives so that Your glory is further revealed. In Jesus' name. Amen.

In love and expectation for more of His divine glory,

Sandie Freed
Zion Ministries
Co-pastor, Lifegate Church, Hurst, Texas


Dr. Sandie Freed co-labors with her husband, Mickey Freed, doing the work of the Lord as a ministry team. In addition, they are the founders of Zion Ministries Training Center in Bedford, Texas, and Lifegate Church International. Sandie has traveled nationally and internationally teaching dreams and visions seminars and on spiritual discernment. Her ability to adequately prophesy and discern spiritual strongholds over regions has released numerous breakthroughs for individuals and ministries. Sandie has authored Dream On, and eleven other books, most of which are in several different languages. Dr. Sandie and Apostle/Pastor Mickey are ordained with Christian International Ministries, serving on their Board of Governors. They have been married since 1973, and have one daughter, Kimberly.

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