Call to Meekness and Humility - Niebergall


  "A Call to Meekness and Humility"  
by Luc Niebergall, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

There is a Mountain of Influence, and We Can Have Either Influence with Man...or with Both Man and God.

I had a vision a while back that I have been in process about ever since. In the vision, I was looking upon a colossal mountain. As I began to look at the top of the mountain I began to see that there was a cloud line that was hiding the mountain's peak. Right below the cloud line I saw many men and women on the mountain shouting to those who were below.

Holy Spirit then spoke to me saying, "This is the mountain of influence, and these are all leaders who are speaking to those who they have influence to lead."

Holy Spirit then led me above the cloud line to the peak of the mountain. I was surprised to see that there was no one else there. As I sat upon the mountain's peak, God began to speak to me. He said,

"This is where I am calling My leaders. This is the place of meekness and humility in friendship with Me. Most people prefer to stay below the cloud line because they want to be seen by man, however I am calling them above the clouds. Where those leaders below do have influence with man, it is only up here where they have influence with both man and Me."

I truly believe that we are in a season where the Lord is bringing order to the heart of the Church. He is doing this so that we can walk in the full expression of what He is releasing on the earth today. Something that I believe He is fashioning within the heart of His Bride is a deeper level of meekness and humility.

All About Humility

We often assume that meekness and humility are the same, when really they are two different things entirely. Numbers 12:3 talk about how Moses was the most humble man who had walked the earth in his time. Usually when we think of Moses' humility we think of Exodus 4:10, when Moses said to God that he could not be used by God because he could not speak eloquently. However, I do not believe that this is true humility. True humility does not make you think less of yourself. I believe that we see Moses' true humility in Exodus 33:15, when the Lord said that He was going to send Moses from the wilderness to the Promised Land, yet he responded saying, "If Your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here."

Moses had such close friendship and dependency in the Lord that he would prefer to stay in the wilderness with God than to step into the promise without Him. This is true humility. Humility is having a full dependency on the Lord and prioritizing God's perspective above peoples' perspective. Humility is having a fear of the Lord in friendship with Him, which eliminates fear of man from existing in your heart. It is to take the hidden road because you know that your Father's affirmation is greater than words of flattery from the masses.

What is Meekness, and Why is God Calling for it?

A good example of meekness is how Jesus carried all authority, yet He only stepped out when His Father told Him to (see John 5:19-20). Meekness is the ability to wield power and authority under the direct guidance and council of the Godhead. It is the ability not only to speak when God says to speak, but to also stay silent when He tells you to be silent. It is to deny your will by taking up the will of God. This is why Jesus said that the meek will inherit the earth (see Matthew 5:5). It is because the meek know how to keep in alignment with the will of God.

John 6:15 shows us a powerful picture of the meekness that Jesus walked in. It says, "When Jesus perceived that they were about to come and take Him by force to make Him king, He departed again to the mountain by Himself alone."

Favor with man is amazing. We should desire it. However, just because an open door or new platform before us looks glamorous does not always mean that we should step in. If we are not discerning our steps and keeping them in line with the will of God, then we could be derailing ourselves off of the path that God has for us. I have met many people who have become limited in their calling simply because they were not willing to discern what doors to walk through and which ones not to.

Could you imagine this opportunity that was given to Jesus? Being made a king would give Him endless influence and riches, yet He knew that His Father's path looked different for Him. If Jesus would have allowed these people to make Him king, then Jesus could have followed favor right out of the will of God. He would have settled for less by being made the king of Israel, instead of taking His throne ordained by His Father to be the King of kings over all nations.

God is shaping both meekness and humility within His Bride, as an act of love, that we may step into the full expression of our birthright as sons and daughters of God. Allowing God to shape meekness and humility within us is pivotal with stewarding the callings of God that are over each of our lives. Now is a time to call out for meekness and humility.

Luc Niebergall
Royal Identity Ministries

Luc Niebergall lives in Calgary, Alberta with his wife Sophie. He is the founder and director of Royal Identity Ministries. Luc functions as an itinerant minister and extensively trains and equips the Body of Christ in many topics such as, leadership, the prophetic ministry and the miraculous. Having a high value for the prophetic ministry, Luc serves the Body of Christ as a prophetic voice by developing healthy prophetic cultures where God can move and speak. Luc is also the author of three books, Reigning as Royalty, A Letter to Forerunners, and A Timeless Journey.

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