Mission Statement for LHP



Mission Statement for Lindsay House Publishing

     Articles by Raylyn Terrell, founder and publisher


Lindsay House Publishing (www.endureinstrength.org) is an online magazine dedicated to the Great Commission given to those who follow Jesus Christ, only-begotten Son of the Father, the Lamb of God.


Recently, a frequent reader of the Lindsay House Publishing website brought up several points. He noted that there were numerous articles on the site by other authors. He wanted to know where to find the writings of the Lindsay House editor and publisher. Perhaps other readers would be interested as well.


Our aim is to honor God and His Word as applied to our personal and communal lives in the 21st century, A.D.

We also believe that the Founders of the United States of America were divinely led to craft what became the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States of America, and its Bill of Rights. We believe along with the Frenchman, Alexis de Tocqueville (toured U.S. extensively in early 1800s), that America's greatness was the result of the faith and integrity of the American people of de Tocqueville's time and during the Colonial period.


As a rule, any article on the site where the author is not named, is authored by R.T.  

To access, type into your search bar:


Lindsay House Publishing/


Other articles by R.T. can be accessed from within the website. These are largely biblical testimony from life-experiences and divine revelation. Let us know if you are interested, and we will send you the 'roadmap'.


The original material on the Lindsay House Publishing website is copyrighted.

 If you want to use it to glorify God, please do so. When you do, please credit Lindsay House Publishing, and include our website address, www.endureinstrength.org.


Making disciples and growing God's Kingdom is our "mission statement". If we can help you, let us know.


God bless you, and His Peace be with you,

in Yeshua's mighty Name, amen!


Raylyn Terrell, Founder

Lindsay House Publishing

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