Texas Federal Judge Hanen -- Claims Obama Attorneys Mislead Him





[PatriotOutpost.com  04.09.15]

Federal Judge Continues Halt of Obama's Illegal Amnesty - Claims Obama Attorneys Mislead Him

by Tim Brown



Judge Andrew Hanen is continuing to stand his ground against the illegal executive amnesty of Barack Obama and his unconstitutional Homeland Security Department. Hanen not only said that he believes Obama's attorneys knowingly mislead him, but claims that Obama's policies are a complete "non-enforcement" of the current immigration laws of the united States. He even went so far as to say that Obama's lack of enforcement of the law has hurt his own case.


On the heels of Hanen's order for further investigation of Obama's illegal executive amnesty and his administration's unlawful practice of providing illegal aliens with work permits in violation of current law, Judge Hanen continues to lift his halt of Obama's new polices against current law.


He also openly spanked Obama's attorneys for purposely misleading the court concerning how many illegals the Obama administration had already given a pass to. These are the same attorneys that Hanen has already threatened with possible perjury charges concerning their misleading.


The Washington Times reports:


The administration has appealed Judge Hanen's ruling, but also asked the judge to reconsider.

On Tuesday the judge not only refused to reconsider, but also said the administration misled him when it said no part of the amnesty had been implemented, and the lawyers bungled their attempt to try to repair the damage by filing an "advisory" with the judge early last month.

Since November, the administration had been granting a three-year amnesty to illegal immigrant Dreamers under the new policy. That's a year longer than the two-year program Mr. Obama announced for the Dreamers in 2012.

More than 100,000 applications were approved for the three-year amnesty between Nov. 21 and the February date when Judge Hanen halted the program.

"Whether by ignorance, omission, purposeful misdirection, or because they were misled by their clients, the attorneys for the government misrepresented the facts," the judge said, adding that he was stunned the government waited for two more weeks after his ruling to inform him that the applications had already been processed.


So, this is another moment where the Obama administration has been found to be in violation of the law, and yet, no real justice has been administered and a Republican-controlled House and Senate continue to fail to do their duty under the Constitution and impeach this usurper. On top of that, apparently the best reason they have to offer for not impeaching Obama has nothing to do with the law, but who might fill his shoes; and that reason comes from a prosecutor!


At least Judge Hanen is hanging in there for now. The American people need to support this judge. Write him, call him and encourage his stand and let him know you are behind him.


It has also come to light that Judge Hanen has also been given 150 pages of documentation concerning Obama's illegal use of a stolen Social Security number. If this judge will take a stand against a criminal administration on its illegal amnesty, perhaps he might open up the Pandora's Box of the fraudulent documents of the criminal in the White House and actually bring justice upon him. We can at least hope so!


You can contact Judge Hanen's chambers via the address and phone number below to voice your support. I know it will be of great encouragement to him.

600 East Harrison St., #301
Brownsville, TX 78520
(956) 548-2591

UPDATE: The Obama DOJ has responded to the charges of Judge Hanen, claiming that they did not lie about amnesty. Again, from the Washington Times:


Emily Pierce, a spokeswoman for the Justice Department, took issue with both parts of the ruling.

"We emphatically disagree with the district court's order regarding the government's statements," she said, defending against the charges of misleading.

As for the judge's refusal to lift his own injunction, Ms. Pierce said the administration has already asked a federal appeals court to review that ruling, and they will "continue to pursue the appeal."


Ms. Pierce, in her statement Wednesday, didn't explain how the misrepresentations happened.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson has said the judge shouldn't have been surprised by that. Mr. Johnson said the text of the November policy creating the new amnesty specifically said the three-year approvals would begin immediately, though applications under the expanded eligibility would come later.





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