TALE OF TWO SHIPS - by J.H. Aldridge |
(Semi-final Voyage)
by J.H. Aldridge -- Oct. 30, 1990
The Ship of State is going down,
But thousands are boarding now.
Destination: Depths of Despair
Because there is no earthly repair
For the hole in her shattered bow.
The Ship of State is going down,
Their spirits all wan and gaunt;
Possessing great store
But exceeding poor;
Willingly ignorant of their want.
The Ship of State is going down,
It is sinking at the dock;
And all who stand
With baggage in hand
Are in for quite a shock.
The Ship of State is going down.
Lauding her elegance with one accord,
Those crowding the gate
Just can not wait
To get a berth on board.
The Ship of State is going down.
They bring aboard their stuff,
Carrying baggage full
Of coin and jewel,
And no one has enough.
The Ship of State is going down,
Her passengers are all corrupt.
Those on her decks
Are writing checks
On accounts already bankrupt.
The Ship of State is going down.
They run from the rising flood.
But soon they will learn
That, from bow to stern
The hull is full of blood.
The Ship of State is going down,
And who can this abide?
Oh, what a shame!
Port Babylon's aflame!
And there is nowhere left to hide.
The Ship of State is going down
With guests in their chosen wear.
The Head of steam
Through a bursting seam,
Is clouding up the air.
The Ship of State slips under the foam.
There is no captain left in charge.
He was taken away.
There is Hell to pay
In the Abyss which has become large.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Another Ship left an hour ago.
Comparatively few went along
To the Heavenly Star
Where some already are
Waiting for this translated throng.
Another Ship left an hour ago.
Her passengers all banquet-ing
At the Bridegroom's table
With the Man Who Is Able
To save from Death and its Sting.
Another ship left an hour ago.
Her passengers were quickly boarded.
So quick was their flight!
What perfect delight!
Unspeakable joy to all was accorded.
Another Ship left an hour ago.
It Had No Beauty To Be Desired,
But that Ship took
The People in the Book
Who had been newly sired.
Another Ship left an hour ago.
With many stately Rooms;
A small passenger Manifest,
No one dragging trunk or chest,
Or trophies, or heirlooms.
Another Ship left an hour ago.
All had their tickets free.
The Fare, none could afford
Until the men at The Board
Punched a Hole into The Fee.
Another Ship left an hour ago.
It will return in seven years;
And all those on board
Who have been with The Lord
Will reign for a thousand years.
Another Ship left an hour ago.
It was a Type of Noah's Ark.
One Body they;
All spirited away
From The Years Of The Flickering Dark.
Another Ship left an hour ago.
Vanished in Twinkling of an eye.
All robed in white,
All dressed just alike,
And none had time for "Goodbye".
The other Ship will return, you know,
After all has been made new.
The Passengers, all Captains now,
Will show the people all just how
To be an obedient crew.