When  W I S D O M  Meets



      W  h i s y




[whimsy, defined as    playful - humorous]



We've seen many literary references to 'wisdom'. The picture comes to mind of an old man holding a staff. His hair and beard are long and white - blown by the wind.


But there are other images of 'wisdom' too. Take for instance the very wise nanny with the umbrella, and her large carpet-bag from which come many amazing things. This nanny is known 'round the world today as 'Mary Poppins'.


After a recent viewing of the film, 'Saving Mr. Banks', we are coming to a new understanding of 'wisdom'. In the hearts and minds of the book's author and then the man who (with his staff) created the film, we have insight into what can happen





Walt Disney first approached the author of 'Mary Poppins' twenty years earlier, asking to buy the film rights to her story.


Disney had come a long way since as a boy in Missouri, he was forced to deliver newspapers - twice daily - by his very demanding father. Walt and elder brother, Roy were handy to their businessman father, so no one had to be hired or flred.


Disney was already a successful film-maker, when his two young daughters shared 'Mary Poppins' with him. Reading the book once, then again and again, he made a promise to his girls that he would make the story into a film. 


Much to Walt's disappointment, the author of 'Mary Poppins' said 'NO!' When he made the offer again a year later, the answer again was 'NO!' This same request was made for twenty years, before Mrs. P.J. Travers finally agreed to come to the Disney Studio in Burbank, California to discuss the possibilities.


At last the legendary film man and the successful author would meet, negotiate, and learn from each other, all the while trying to simply relate to one another. Remember the old question . . . 'What happens when an immovable object meets an irresistable force?'


As well done as is 'Saving Mr. Banks', the actual events must have been even more exasperating and frustrating for both these gifted people. Tom Hanks (playing Walt Disney), and Emma Thompson (playing P.J. Travers) are masterful indeed.


What gradually becomes clear is that Mrs. Travers' negativity, her refusal to compromise, is due to her traumatic history - growing up with the lovable, talented, yet mentally ill and alcoholic man who was her father.  


Another phrase comes to mind . . . 'It's complicated!'

One really needs to see this wonderful film. Levels of mental, emotional and spiritual reality interweave throughout the actual events as they unfold in 'Saving Mr. Banks'.


The author of 'Mary Poppins' is gently but firmly brought through stages of memory and emotional self-discovery. She gradually allows her 'inner child' to come forth - to give and to receive forgiveness and healing. 


In the film's final scene, Mrs. Travers arrives at the theatre for the premiere showing of the new film, 'Mary Poppins'. Her tears as she watches the liberation of Mr. Banks and hears the family sing -

'Let's Go Fly a Kite!' - are setting her free.


Walt Disney, his team, and Pamela Travers have opened a wondrous door indeed!


For Mrs. P.J. Travers at last, 


Wisdom and Whimsy have met . . . 

Wisdom and Whimsy have danced . . .


and we too can sing and dance

as our wounded souls are lovingly drawn

into the healing forgiveness 

which Father God extends to us all.





Lovingkindness and truth

have met together;

Righteousness and peace

have kissed each other.

Psalm 85:10   NASB





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