Military Have Problem With Jesus? - Starnes




[  10.31.14]

Does the Military Have a Problem with Jesus?

by Todd Starnes | Oct 31, 2014





"So no matter how stressful your life can be with juggling family issues, relationships, career advancement, work, school, or any burden that life throws your way, cast it upon the Lord and He will sustain you," the colonel wrote.

It wasn't too longer after the newsletter was posted online before someone filed a complaint - lamenting that the colonel's words had caused great angst and offense.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation's Mikey Weinstein reached out to Air Force officials at the Pentagon, the Air National Guard is governed by Air Force rules, as well as the 180th Fighter Wing demanding they remove what he called "that odious and offending proselytizing commentary."

Before you could say God bless America, the military ordered the colonel's remarks stricken from the newsletter. Ohio National Guard spokesman James Sims told me the column was a clear violation of military policy.

"It's very clear what you can and cannot say in an Air Force publication," Sims said. "Once it was brought to our attention and we compared it with the regulation, we found it was in violation of the regulation."





Shame on the Ohio National Guard,

the US Air Force,

the Dept. of Defense 

and the White House!


You've stripped the protective armor off of our military - those who have sacrificed so much for their country. 


You've ordered them into harm's way while loading them with sins of 'political correctness' and immoral permissiveness. You have forbidden their chaplains to minister  'in Jesus' Name'.




It's high time to remove the anti-God people and their 'regulations' that endanger our military, going against the biblical faith, Constitutional provisions, and wisdom of those who founded the United States of America.


Colonel Marquinez, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin,

and other military who have been 

'PC-ed' during this administration - 

all deserve medals, commendations, restitution and the fervent thanks of the American people.


This is then a birthday present to our father,

(b 10/31/1905 - d 11/04/1920)

Richard C. Lindsay, Lt. General, USAF, deceased. He served our nation long and well. Finally, several months before his death at age 85, he received Christ and had his entire life experience and family history come into heaven's perspective.


Happy birthday, Dad. We feel you smiling today - urging us toward victory in the battle for America's soul. So we stand against the lies of the devil. We declare and we sing, that we will see victory, because


Jesus Christ is LORD,

to the glory of 





So what rules did Col. Marquinez violate by referencing the Almighty? I want to quote from the official statement provided by the Ohio National Guard:

"The article violated AFI 1-1, Sections 2.11 and 2.12.1, and the Revised Interim Guidelines Concerning Free Exercise of Religion in the Air Force guidance, and finally, 'The Air Force Military Commander and the Law' book."

A bit much, don't you think? All that for mentioning that "With God all things are possible."

I'm surprised the Air Force didn't convene a court martial. For the record, Sims told me that to his knowledge the colonel was not reprimanded for writing about Jesus - just censored.

But the Air Force wasn't content with just removing the colonel's column. No sir. They had to publically shame and humiliate this officer and gentleman.

As Sims noted in his statement, after the article was removed from the newsletter, it was "followed up with a base-wide email, with updated link for the Singer, stating: 'The 180th FW Public Affairs office has removed the article 'A Spiritual Journey as a Commander' from The Stinger, Volume 52, Issue 09, September 2014 due to sensitivities."


I've included a link to the colonel's "offensive" column. Please note the "sensitive" nature.






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