Open Letter - Virginia Sheriffs - Oct 29, 2014





Dear Virginia Sheriffs,


Here at Lindsay House Publishing LLC, we are praying for you and the citizens of Virginia. This is a crucial, dangerous, and at the same time an exciting and hopeful time for us all. So . . .

please be encouraged today.


Lately there have been multiple requests, even demands, in my email box for financial donations. The organizations that have my email address are all-out right now to rake in every penny possible to feed their political campaigns. These are the ones on the 'right' side of the picture. Of course, the 'left' side folks are doing the same thing. I've had it up to my hair roots - and you probably have as well.


'Money-fishing' is not going to win the political battle. Right now we are in a SPIRITUAL war which must be fought with spiritual weapons. Here are some points for the battle plan which I believe heaven has revealed from the Word of God. 


1. Let us HUMBLY (before God) admit our sinfulness and great need, and plead for our Father's mercy.


2. Let us THANKFULLY receive His mercy, and ask for the will, strength and courage to OBEY Him by praying and speaking His Truth in Love.


3. Let us study and enter the same prayer-relationship which the great king David of Israel had with God. Whenever David knew that his sin was forgiven and that God's loving Presence was again with him, he became VERY BOLD against the enemies which threatened him and the people of Israel. God had established Covenant between Himself and Israel through the blood of the Jewish man (yet to be born), God's Son, Yeshua/Jesus. Then that divine Covenant was extended to biblical believers through the past 2000 years by the Name and the Blood of God's own Son.


4. "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me." This is the heavenly basis for Jesus command and commission to His disciples to



5. Filled with God's Word and Holy Spirit, Apostle Paul traveled,

taught, worked miracles, and overcame amazing odds. He showed us through his inspired writings to the early churches,

the power of God's Word, spoken, written and sung. 

(Please read 1 Corinthians, chapters 12, 13 and 14 ASAP)

True teaching and DEMONSTRATION of these spirit-filled directions to Christ's Church is seldom seen and heard in America today. We believe that the inevitable result has been the tragic political and social state of the USA as it is today.


6. Let us ask our Heavenly Father to send angels throughout the USA to whisper TRUTH to the people. Let every lying deception be uncovered. Let us ask, and give thanks for angels to be sent to EVERY POLLING PLACE on election day, to enforce the will of God, and the Constitution and Bill of Rights of the United States of America. 


7. And let all Sheriffs and their deputies arise to their

Constitutional authority, to preserve, protect and defend our Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. 



Blessings to you all, and may His Peace, Love and Joy fill your life, your home and your County, in Jesus's Name, Amen!


Raylyn Terrell, founder

Lindsay House Publishing LLC


PS: Attached is a photo taken at dawn from just outside my door.

It is called Virginia Dawn, October 28, 2014.

It is dedicated to Virginia's Sheriffs. You have my permission to

use it for whatever good purpose you wish.

Thank you for serving!




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