Will Scotland Vote for Dictatorship? - Monckton




[WND.com   08.12.14]




Exclusive: Lord Monckton sees dire future if separation referendum passes



Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, high priest of climate skepticism, advised Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, wrote leaders for the Yorkshire Post, was editor of the Catholic paper The Universe, managing editor of the Telegraph Sunday Magazine, assistant editor of Today, and consulting editor of the Evening Standard. He invented the million-selling "Eternity Puzzles," "Sudoku X" and a promising treatment for infections. See the Science & Public Policy Institute.


Next month the people of Scotland will vote in a referendum on whether Scotland should leave the U.K. If the people of Scotland vote for separation, they will not only take the "Great" out of Great Britain: "Britain," too, will be gone.


A 64-page economic report just published by the Scottish Research Society (I declare an interest as its secretary) reveals how damaging separation would be to Scotland.

Ewen Stewart, an economist with 25 years' experience in the City of London, reveals in his report that on the separatists' own figures every household in Scotland would be worse off by $6,000-10,000 a year. Serious money. Yet at least a third of Scotland's population will vote for the national economic and political suicide separation would swiftly entail.

If Scotland had already left Britain at the time of the banking collapse of 2008, the resulting national bankruptcy would have been worse than the bankruptcy that followed the ill-conceived Darien venture and led to the Union with England in the first place.

For Scotland, 300 years ago, was the first nation in the West to declare bankruptcy. A significant fraction of her population will vote next month to make a second national bankruptcy inescapable.

What is more, the young goons of the governing National Socialist Party of Scotland - vicious totalitarians all - have been violently breaking up meetings of those opposed to separation. Nigel Farage, the leader of the strongly Unionist U.K. Independence Party, was twice physically threatened by the NSP-Jugend last year. The first of his two meetings had to be abandoned.

The Nationalists (a shorter version of that word is now commonly heard, but for reasons of delicacy we shall not use it here) have been throwing bricks through the windows of known opponents of separation, daubing their walls and trashing their gardens.

Corporations whose executives have spoken out against separation are menaced with the loss of government contracts - a big deal in a nation whose State sector is as large as that of most Eastern European communist countries before the Berlin Wall came down.

Many corporations have quietly re-registered themselves in England and have made preparations to move out at a moment's notice before Hadrian's Wall becomes the Iron Curtain. They are not going to be caught on the wrong side of the Zonengrenz when the barbed wire goes up and the dog patrols begin.

Some years ago Bruce Patullo, then chief executive officer of the Bank of Scotland, announced that if Scotland left the U.K., even the Bank of Scotland would leave Scotland.

A leading private-client fund manager who often broadcasts in opposition to the separatists recently took a call from the Finanzministerium minutes after the broadcast, giving him a clear warning to desist or his conduct would be remembered in the New Schottland.

The terrified news media very seldom report these events, for they, too, have detected the miasma of menace emanating from the Reichskanzlerei in St Andrew's House.

The NSP has even been interfering in the electoral process to remove its opponents from posts to which the voters had appointed them.

Some months ago, the NSP made a false complaint to the police, widely publicized in the local news media, that a candidate in a by-election for the Holyrood Reichstag had fraudulently withheld from the electoral returning officer the information that he was an elected member of the Tayside Health Board and was accordingly ineligible to be a candidate.

The Reichskanzlerei ordered the Health Board to dismiss the blameless candidate, notwithstanding that as an elected member he could not be dismissed by diktat, but only by the voters (who would have re-elected him). The candidate engaged lawyers, sued and won.

Thereupon the NSP petulantly announced that all elected members of the Health Board would be removed from office more than a year before their term was up. NSP bureaucrats then took charge of the Board. This scandalous, arbitrary removal of elected officials received hardly a mention in the cowed news media.

The only place in the world where you can read about all of this is WND.

What does the Risorgimento of the separatists mean for the West? For a start, even if they fail (which, in the privacy of the ballot, they almost certainly will), the standing of Britain in the world as one of its few politically stable economies will have been forfeited.

But the key lesson is that the West has learned nothing from the slaughter of 100 million people in the Age of the Dictators scarcely more than half a century ago. The brutal rise of Lenin, Hitler and Mussolini began with the reduction of the news media to fearful silence and acquiescence, accompanied by the breakup of opponents' meetings by force, the menacing, bullying and silencing of the regime's critics, and the dismantling of democracy.

The case for the free market (repudiated by the NSP's expansion of the State), democracy (denied by the NSP in sweeping away elected officials) and liberty (canceled by the NSP's rampant centralization of power) has to be made in each generation. Only the U.K. Independence Party now makes that case north of the border.

The Conservatives, who might once have spoken out, have been wiped off the electoral map. They limply failed to stand up for the freedom that Scotland had asserted for itself in the Declaration of Arbroath 400 years before your Founding Fathers thought to do the same.

At last, however, some in the Conservative Party have noticed the acute danger that the NSP represents to the very survival of the democratic spirit of Scotland. They propose to ditch the discredited Conservative brand, which now has only 5 percent of the national vote, and restore the Unionist Party, which won the 1955 General Election in Scotland with 55 percent of the vote.

The new party will be a thinking man's version of your tea parties. But, unlike them, it will have the courage to fight elections in its own name, on a manifesto that will restore the notions of democracy and freedom - and of the prosperity they guarantee - to the very heart of Scottish politics.

The lesson for the West is clear.

Those who do not argue for freedom and democracy,

or fight for them when they must, will find - too late -

that what they thought was their birthright has been stolen away.

Let the GOP pay heed, and raise its game.


Media wishing to interview Christopher Monckton, please contact media@wnd.com.







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