Basic Biblical Worldview -- Rick Joyner



A Basic Biblical Worldview

The Great Commission

Part 30



Week 30, 2014


Rick Joyner



A basic biblical worldview established in Scripture includes:

1)   God created the world and mankind for a special relationship with Him.

2)   Man became separated from God by sin.

3)   God so loved mankind and the world that He made provision for our redemption and reconciliation through the atonement sacrifice of His Son on the cross.

4)   He delayed the restoration of the world so that He could call out of this present evil age those whose lives proved they love Him more than evil.

5)   Those who overcome the evil of this age by accepting His atonement, abiding in Him, and growing up into Him will become joint heirs with Christ, taking on Christ's divine nature to rule with Him over the age to come.

6)   Jesus came as a sacrificial Lamb the first time, but He will return as a Lion, destroying the evil that has been destroying mankind and the earth.

7)   The earth will be restored to the paradise it was originally created to be, and mankind will be restored with it.

8)   When the earth has been restored, God Himself will dwell on earth among men.     

The time between the resurrection of Christ and when He takes His seat above all rule and authority and dominion has been "training for reigning" for those who will be joint heirs with Him. These are becoming sons and daughters of God, ruling with Him over "the period of the restoration of all things" as Peter called it in Acts 3:21.

God's original and ultimate purpose for the earth and mankind was not thwarted by sin. It will be fulfilled. We are called to be agents with Him in this restoration. This is the purpose for all we go through in this life-it is not just testing us to see if we love God more than evil, it is preparing us for our eternal position with Christ by conforming us to His nature. Every trial in your life is for this purpose-to conform you to the nature of Christ.

The first Adam had a bride that lived in a perfect world and yet chose to disobey. The "last Adam," Christ Jesus, will have a bride that lived through the most difficult of times and against all of the pressure and temptations of hell and this fallen world, yet she will choose to obey. For this reason, even the angels will declare that she is worthy to be their judge and to reign with Him. To be a part of this bride of Christ is your main purpose.




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