The Price of Sharpton - Ben Crystal


[Personal Liberty Digest   04.15.14]

The Price Of Sharpton

April 15, 2014 by Ben Crystal  



As I watched President Barack Obama interrupt his busy schedule of crimes, misdemeanors and fundraising to address the racist hate group National Action Network's annual convention, the usual thoughts wandered through my consciousness. Why would Obama stand up to be counted with a race-pimping parasite like the "Reverend" Al Sharpton and his coterie of cretins? How would the Democrats react if a conservative President spoke to a meeting of similarly repulsive bottom-feeders? How is Sharpton still considered influential, despite a resume that reads like something from a Jerry Springer pay-per-view special? Why do I continue to subject myself to the likes of Obama and Sharpton without drinking more?


Swimming around with those questions was another, more pertinent inquiry. Why would Obama bother risking his dwindling popularity by consorting with such debris? He has no re-election with which to contend, and his base requires no shoring. The sort of folks who would willingly attend an event in the same ZIP code as a guy like Sharpton would vote for Obama if he deliberately attempted to defraud the entire Nation in an attempt to wrest control of medical decisions from doctors and award it to Federal bureaucrats - not that anyone would ever display such arrogance.


Perhaps our man Barry has convinced himself that the adoration of hate groups, pseudo-journalists and Hollywood multi-millionaires makes up for the animus of the majority of Americans. Perhaps he believes that the Americans like him enough to forgive him for Benghazi, Operation Fast and Furious, the National Security Agency's reading Grandma's email and the Internal Revenue Service's bludgeoning citizens for objecting to any of the aforementioned. 


Perhaps he actually thinks people will ignore the images of Federal storm troopers assaulting a pregnant woman and a cancer victim while trying to crush a family cattle rancher in defense of a small reptile. Perhaps he honestly believes that dismissing accepting the resignation of Kathleen Sebelius will somehow mitigate the damage done not only to his own legacy, but to his party's future electoral hopes.


There's a miscalculation inherent in Obama and the Democrats' thinking. By consistently playing to their low-information base, they're preaching to the proverbial choir. Sure, the applause and adulation are nice; but playing to their base involved ignoring, defrauding and even physically attacking the sizable majority of Americans. Obama is wildly popular, but only among an increasingly small wedge of the population. 


This fall, the Democrats are going to pay a stiff electoral price for his hubris. What's worse, his arrogant refusal to even acknowledge our outrage has likely saddled his party with a debt that will require them to pay in installments, with the next one coming due in 2016. And I somehow doubt that Sharpton and the National Action Network have the dough to cover the tab.


Ben Crystal





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