PETER, PAUL AND MARY - Reprise and Legacy




     Reprise and Legacy



The white flakes, BIG ones, are falling outside my window, at times slanting down at 45 degrees. The sky turns a deeper and deeper blue moment by moment. Just past mid-March of 2014, this should be the last expression of a winter that will be long remembered. 


There are parts of the USA and elsewhere in the world which have yet to recover from extreme weather events that took place months and months ago. May God bless all who are faithful to their commitments as their heaven-directed love works to heal whoever and whatever needs to be healed.


As the flakes fall tonight, Public Television is running a fund-raising program, re-broadcasting the 25th Anniversary Concert of Peter, Paul and Mary which took place in 1986. Our grins, tears, and cheers erupt as the passion and compassion of this amazing trio express the heart of our God. The love-connection between the singers and their audience is still a miracle to be wondered at!


No, Peter, Paul and Mary were not perfect, so it is through their flawed humanity that God touches our hearts and souls. Apostle Paul described the divine Presence within the followers of Yeshua / Jesus this way . . . "We have this treasure in earthen vessels." 

(2 Corinthians 4:7)


So it is when the divine shines forth through the talents of creative and performing artists and writers of history and of the present. The glory is not to be given to the human, but to the Source, the Inspiration of all true art - to our God.


That said, there are some personal memories too . . . 


Back in the late 1970s and early '80s, we were blessed with an unusual friendship. A couple living in suburban Maryland were pioneers in the home-church movement of the time.

Hearts of love for God and for his people were strengthened with gifts of prophetic wisdom.


For example, when we prayed together for God's will concerning the upcoming election (Reagan's second term),

we were given the vision of big rocks rolling down a hill =

a "landslide"! History of course confirmed the vision.


There were some special people within their sphere of influence too, and one of these was Noel Paul Stookey.

(Peter, Paul and Mary)


When the wedding of the couple's daughter was planned, Noel was invited to come, to sing his "Wedding Song", and to entertain at the reception. All in attendance were delighted.


Besides the musical treat, we got a big dose of the humor that is so much a part of Noel Paul Stookey's personna.


By his own admission, the man is an astute 'people watcher'. After the ceremony, the wedding guests made their way beside the offerings at the buffet table. Later, during his solo entertainment for the wedding guests, Stookey incorporated funny little stories into the mix. 


Something about . . . "picking their teeth with their tongue".

Well, we had just been eating. There might have been more than one of us using that technique - but I knew that I had.  So, it was another healthy opportunity to laugh at myself, and to enjoy the humor of one of the world's most talented and caring comedians!


Mary Travers was the first of the trio to pass this life. Now, in their latter years, Noel and Peter Yarrow are both active in facilitating the use of folk media to assist social activism for worthy causes.


Noel Paul Stookey still tells the story of his dramatic awakening to God's reality in his life, and later, the heavenly gift of the "Wedding Song" in answer to Stookey's prayer.


As a part of the Stookey legacy to the world, the financial proceeds from "Wedding Song" (ca. $2,000,000) are funding the work of the Public Domain Foundation. This effort is presented on the web at Music to


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BON VOYAGE!    (and don't forget your toothbrush!   rt)






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