Life Lessons - Holiday Films on TV, 2013



     LIFE LESSONS      


   in HOLIDAY FILMS --  2013   





Some life lessons have been seen lately in the pre-Christmas weeks filled with holiday, family-friendly movies on the television channels.


In most of these seasonal films, there's evidence of confusion on the part of producers and writers regarding the word 'faith' and what the word means. No doubt this explains the present national malaise in the USA as well.


Anyone remember where the phrase, 'politically correct'

came from? Our information is that a female academic, Donna Shalala from Wisconsin, coined the phrase during the Clinton administration. It's been spreading its poison in the USA ever since then. 



A conversation a while back with a family member happened, regarding wrong word meanings, word use, and problems that can develop.  It goes a lot farther and deeper than using 'whatever', 'that's what I'm talkin' about', and 'totally'. These three examples however, are symptoms of a major illiteracy issue in  America.


Remembering the film-fare of the last 4-5 weeks, the great majority of offerings have featured Santa Claus, with other 'Clause' family members, and of course, the elfin population of the North Pole. Whimsical, yes, cheery, yes, sometimes with worthwhile relationship lessons - but still devoid of Truth at the root, and definitely distracting from the reality of God's Love in the Gift of His Only-begotten Son!



So, let's use this occasion for remembering and giving thanks for God's priceless Gift to us, and reconsider the values of Truth and Love bringing redemption to those who will believe.


The writer appreciates smiles, and ho-ho-ho's at this time of year, but let's keep Santa and company in their proper place.


More importantly, let's not let ANYTHING or ANYBODY usurp the #1 place in our hearts, minds and relationships. 


God reserves that place for Himself, because,




to the glory of GOD the FATHER!









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