The BABIES - Janey, Marshall & Maria


When Erma was two, Sue discovered that she was again pregnant. This time, she and Chris repeated their Lamaze training. Melanie, a friend of Sue's who had completed her public health nurse's training made a dry run with me out to the western part of the county where Sue and Chris now lived. Sue had begun a false labor before, and we didn't want to take the chance to not be there if this labor was genuine.

Several weeks later, Chris called in the early hours of the morning, and said it looked like real labor. I called Melanie, we both dressed hurriedly then made the hour-long trip across the county.

Several weeks earlier I had chased around searching for sterile rubber gloves, and had difficulty finding even one pair. Finally I was given some gloves by some sympathetic ladies volunteering at the emergency reception desk of a hospital which will remain nameless.

By the time we arrived at Sue and Chris's apartment, the labor was well advanced, and we didn't have to wait long.

Sue and the baby proved that "you can't always go by the books." 

Sue felt the need to use the toilet. While she was still in the bathroom, the baby pushed through the opening of the birth canal. I was in the kitchen re-sterilizing the one pair of gloves when I heard them call. Rushing to the bathroom I saw Chris holding the baby's head and shoulders, and Melanie holding her torso and legs. A clean washcloth was wrapped around the baby. God certainly has a sense of humor!

I helped Sue back to her bed while Chris held the baby. We happily looked at this precious new family member. Several minutes later, the cord was cut and I cleansed and dressed the child. It was 5:00 am then, and after a short rest for Sue, the older children woke up to greet their new baby sister. The joy and awe on their faces spoke for them. There is no doubt that the bond of love is strengthened within the family when the birth of a new baby becomes part of its home life. Janey was seen within a few days by a public health nurse, and later seen by a doctor. Mommy, Daddy and child were doing fine!


The birth of Sally's fourth child was an intensive training lab for  my friend, Dee, who was living with me and the children, and was only a few hours away from the birth of her own first child. Dee and I drove out when Chris called. Melanie was there again. Sue was tired and not in the best of health this time, so the labor took longer. The birth was normal though, without any unusual happenings this time. 

Sue's peaceful acceptance of her discomfort was a great help to Dee. We were all wonderfully blessed to welcome Sue and Chris's first son.


Dee's labor began in the morning, about thirty-six hours after Marshall's birth. She had wanted a natural birth in a hospital, and had found a woman obstetrician whom she liked and in whom she had confidence. When the labor began to be regular and the children had gotten off to school, I took Dee to the hospital by a side route designed to avoid the worst of the morning rush traffic. As we drove, 

I coached Dee in the Lamaze breathing technique, and when I gave her a number, she would respond. It was a great tool for the car trip, because the suspense and tension are great if a mother in labor is traveling to a hospital. THAT question always nags at you:

"Will we make it in time?"

When we reached the emergency waiting room door, Dee had to answer the questions on her admittance questionnaire. It was a kingsize trial of patience to have to listen to the questions. We saw Dee's obvious discomfort and anxiety as she answered. Finally the questions ended and we wheeled her onto the elevator and into the birthing room. This was not the usual hospital delivery room with white walls, bright lights and hard table. Attempts had been made to soften the atmosphere and make it more homelike.

Dee had calcium-magnesium tablets for relaxation, and she had prepared ice cubes of chamomile tea which were helpful also. 

Her labor went well and her anxiety and pain were lessened by prayer and the comfort of my presence at her shoulder, as I would encourage her and coach her breathing. There were several nurses in and out, but the doctor had given permission for me to do the coaching, and the nurses mostly just observed, and checked on the labor's progress.

The doctor entered the room about ten minutes before the birth.

Maria was born seven and one half hours after labor began and the nurses later told Dee that they had never seen a better labor. As with the other babies, Sue's four and my three who were born without drugs, Maria was alert from the very first few minutes after birth.

We pray that each of you is blessed as you read this true and personal story. The names have been changed, but the events of each birth are completely true, and all the glory belongs to God!

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