Rees Howells, Intercessor - by Norman Grubb

Harold Cook offers his

Thoughts on the book,


by Norman Grubb

I was greatly influenced by this book. It reminded me of a question I've had for a long time.

Where is this kind of life being lived and seen today?

In most of the churches I've been associated with, there seems to be lack of understanding of our times, and of the place of Christian faith in our lives.

There appears to be more awareness of God and history in so-called 3rd world countries, than in today's more-developed nations, including the United States of America.

When I read comments following articles in the news or posted on Twitter, Google or other internet sites, comments are almost always the same - they are cynical. There are mentions of 

"religion", but few words about reason and responsibility. Nothing much is said about consequences following actions either.

Most of the "got what they deserved" statements are defined as "karma" - what goes around comes around.

Maybe that is how modern man says, "we reap what we sow".

Much, if not all, is explained in a secular vein, that gives credence and strength to humanity, without acknowledging God.

Rees Howells and his students developed a logical handling of each and every situation, due to the personal intervention of the Holy Spirit of God Himself!

To the mind educated in a secular system, ego/self is stressed.

Rees Howells, on the contrary, was an intercessor in the will of God, and therefore developed a logical mind.

The closer he came in surrender to the Spirit of God, the more logical and precise his thoughts and actions became.

Others could not understand him, and usually did not want to.

In Jeremiah 17, vs 9, the Lord says, "The heart is more deceitful than anything else and desperately sick. Who can know it?

I the Lord examine the mind, and know the heart."

In chapter 31, vs 33, He said, "I will place My Laws in them and write it on their hearts." This is the only way mankind can act logically, rationally and righteously. 

This requires complete surrender to God's Holy Spirit, as Rees Howells and his followers found to be true.

In summary, I would prefer living as Mr. Howells and his associates did, in every aspect of my life: in my influence on family, friends and acquaintances during my remaining days here on earth - no matter how others may treat me.

May God grant this same desire to many, beginning with each man, woman and youth who read these words.

-- Harold Cook

"Rees Howells, Intercessor"  may be ordered from the Family Christian Book Store near you, or from their website. 

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