Signs of the Times - Rome Flooded, November, 2012

[From the Glory of Zion Ministries in Corinth, Texas, we received the following:]

A Time of Cleansing: Flooding in Rome!

During our Pentecost Celebration at the Global Spheres Center in May, [2012] the Lord had given me
[Dr. Chuck Pierce] a unique word about flooding in Rome. 

The Spirit of God said, "There will be an unusual flood that 

goes through Rome. When you see this flood know that I am 

cleansing the Church from its straying way. When Rome floods 

I will wash My people in a new way and they will rise up out of 

their legalistic shift that they took many years ago. They will 

come into a new power as first. When the flood comes through 

Rome, Antiochs all over the earth will rise again. I have shaken 

the mindset of the last seasons. Greece is a picture of the 

shaking. But now Rome and its accumulation will begin to be 

cleansed. As Rome is cleansed, you will see a healing sweep 

throughout the Catholic people. That wineskin that has 

captured generation after generation will no longer be able to 

hold its captives."

Here's what happened in mid-November, 2012, as reported by Reuters:

Rains swell Rome's Tiber river, flooding suburbs

ROME | Wed Nov 14, 2012 7:43am EST

Nov 14 (Reuters) - One of Rome's most historic bridges was closed on Wednesday as the swollen Tiber River roared through the capital and flooded outlying neighbourhoods.

The Tiber's muddied waters rose to fill some of the supporting arches of the Ponte Milvio, or Milvian Bridge, threatening to engulf a pedestrian walkway and submerging trees.


The bridge, whose current version dates to 1850, marks the spot of a previous bridge where in 312 the emperor Constantine defeated his rival Maxentius in one of the most pivotal battles of ancient Roman history.

High embankment walls protected the rest of central Rome but the Tiber and Aniene rivers broke their banks north of the city, flooding farmland and parts of smaller towns.

In Rome's northern outskirts, drainage pipes, irrigation canals and sewers backed up, flooding streets that feed into the country's main north-south highway and blocking traffic. . ."

Let's be thankful for Father's spiritual gifts of knowledge, understanding and wisdom. With their help we trust God, and know that He is lovingly directing the course of our history. 

From God's people through the centuries, 

multiplied thousands of prayers 

and cries for righteous judgment have arisen.

These are now being answered. 

Let us rejoice and pray Father's blessing upon every soul 

He is setting free at last!


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