Signs of the Times - 03.18.13

Robin in March snow

S i g n s 

of  the 

T i m e s

     Robin in March snow

Cyprus banks steal - people panic

Euro Bank  
urged Cyprus to
raid private 
bank accounts.
Many wealthy
Russians bank

 Update - 03.19.13
Cypriot Parliament votes down this plan
Update - 03.24.13
Cyprus secures bailout, avoids bankruptcy

Update - 03.25.13

Cyprus bank bailout agreement is pure theft: 

40% of private deposits to be looted 

from selected accounts

Euro bailout map, FOX News

     Euro country bailouts

After Pope Benedict XVI
Benedict XVI helicopter over Colisseumsaid farewell at the Vatican,
a helicopter flew him to
 Castel Gandolfo, the Pope's
summer residence.
As the helicopter flew over 
the Roman Colosseum, 
built when the 
Apostles of Jesus Christ 
still walked the earth,
the ancient past
 intersected with the present 
as we look forward to 
Christ's Second Coming.

Benedict XVI says goodbye from Gandolfo

In his last appearance
as Pope, Benedict XVI
thanked those who greeted
him at Castel Gandolfo,
and those watching
from around the world.

Thanking them for
their love and prayers,
he said "goodnight and

Rosary held by nun

At St. Peter's Square,
some of the crowd
carried rosaries as
they stood for hours
waiting for the white 
 smoke from the chimney
which would signal the
election of a new pope.

Francis elected Pope

First appearance on
the balcony of the new
pope, Francis.
His father had immigrated
from Italy. In due course,
he became Cardinal
of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Frances at Mass

Jorge Mario Bergoglio
presiding at Mass,
while still in Argentina.

At this point in time,
questions should be asked --
and answers found concerning 
the Biblical validity of the claims
of the Roman Catholic Church.
We will be wise to 
search the Scriptures
and compare them with
the long historical record.

WND, (World Net
has on its website Bookstore page,
a book entitled,
Petrus Romanus:
The Final Pope is Here.
It is based on the 1139 AD prophecy of
a Roman Catholic Bishop, St. Malachy,
which foretold every pope 
to the final, 112th pope.
Pope Francis is that man.
According to the St. Malachy prophecy,
 the destruction of the Roman church,
and of Rome, the city itself, will follow.

Let us be honest.
Let us be alert.
Open our eyes to see
the true signs of the times,
in Yeshua's mighty Name,

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