Healing Family, Newtown, the Nation & the World

Steps to Healing 

     The Family


A beautiful morning, a walk in the sun,

and then a sight to ponder.

Vine usurps tree trunk                                                                                                                                                                                                  

A vine had grown on the trunk of the tree, 

winding 'round and 'round until 

it's green leaves reached to the top.

Something wasn't right, you know. 

The vine leaves stole 

the true life of that tree.


         the Nation,

               & the World

 Beginning on the personal and family level --

 many wise health professionals believe that

 before a human body can heal itself, 

 the poisons within it must be removed. 

 Blockages of energy in the nervous system must be removed. 

When these are done, the right nutrition and exercise can be used 

to facilitate the healing.

Then let's also apply this understanding to the healing of families, 

social systems, organizations, and political systems. How?

Bible study and prayer for knowledge, understanding and wisdom,

for starters. Identify and remove everything based on a lie.

God's love and truth will work toward unity.

Forgiveness will work miracles.

No one stopped the vine (seen above) from taking over the tree. 

It's been there a long time. It does not belong - it is a usurper.

Recognizing the vine as a symbol for lying deception, let's allow 

God's Word to lead us to answers we desperately need.

Going back a while . . .

Looking at the dangerous, disastrous, and downright-scary state of the world around us, it is easy to throw up the hands, grab your favorite drink, then settle on the sofa, turn on the TV and watch your favorite team give their all on the playing field. 

There are variations on this theme of course.

BUT, Someone told me (some 52 years ago) to lay down my life and to follow Him. "Occupy until I come", He told me in His "Love Letter to the people of planet Earth." You know, that Book with all those thin pages!

For me, that's become a lot more satisfying than keeping track of sports stats, or learning to cook a new dish. That's OK, but the heavenly "stuff" is the greatest!

Since then that BOOK of BOOKS has become the go-to source for the answer to my every question. Since my spirit was made alive (at my conversion), the Holy Bible and Holy Spirit have taught me. They comfort in times of stress and sorrow. God's Word show's me Father's will, and opens doors of knowledge, understanding and wisdom far beyond (and often opposed to) the words the so-called wise-of-this-world speak and write.

Guess what we discovered along the way? Satan, working as the serpent in the Garden of Eden, tricked Adam and Eve into loss of their dominion over the Earth. Since then, Satan has been exercising rule over the Earth and its systems. Jesus, (Yeshua) is indeed LORD of All - but He charged His followers with enforcing His Lordship by His love and His Word, through prayer.

In short, Jesus said "to occupy" until He comes again, and to destroy the devil's works in the process. At the time when Christ returns, I will even have a new body - one that won't get sick or die, and a thrilling forever-life with the One Who is Perfect Love!

Because I needed inspiration and encouragement in my journey, prayers were given . . .

A Mothers Prayer

Learning to identify errors, deceptions, lies . . . has proved to be the greatest challenge. To know the Word of God and prove it on a daily basis - through prayer and patient study of His Word - is the key. That believer may boldly pray in faith, giving thanks for the desired outcome. The timing of God's answer is of course, in HIS hands.

As answers to prayer grow in number, so joy grows. Faith also increases, and we go to the next level.

Again, and again, as the days, weeks, months and years go by.

What is the problem? What is the challenge? What are the works of the devil in the situation?

THEN -- what does God's Word have to say about it? As God's child do I have authority to not only pray, but to COMMAND that God's Kingdom come, God's will be done?

Simply, and amazingly -- YES! 

"Ask and it shall be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be open."

Love, forgive, bless and do not curse. Be faithful in a few things - be ruler over much.

Then comes the big one! Will you join us in believing the Word of the Lord?

He is still the God of mercy and miracles!

  "If My people which are called by My Name,   

  shall humble themselves and pray, 

  and seek my face, 

 and turn from their wicked ways, 
 then will I hear from heaven, 
 and will forgive their sin, 
n will I hear from heaven


2 Chronicles 7:14

Ballad of the Tree


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